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Cryopreservation of egg cells

The egg-freezing procedure begins with the in vitro procedure where the patient receives specific hormone therapy so as to obtain more eggs in the same cycle. Once the eggs are punctured they are removed and collected. Under proper laboratory conditions, a proper treatment is carried out and later the eggs are frozen. The process of freezing eggs is carried out only for those egg cells mature and of good quality. Cryopreservation of eggs is performed by a method of vitrification or freezing which allows efficient and safe freezing. Frozen eggs are stored in special containers with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees.

Cryopreservation of eggs is recommended for patients planning delayed parenting without a partner, patients with certain types of cancer or other diseases.


Cryopreservation of embryos

In vitro process if a successful insemination more ova and embryos develop more, the patient can be offered to cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos. This procedure is present in 50-60% of couples who do in vitro fertilization. The main purpose of this procedure is patient not exhibiting again on hormone therapy and anesthesia but to accept a therapy that will allow endometrium with appropriate thickness suitable for embryo transfer. Freezing the embryos can be recommended for patients with hyperstimulation, inadequate thickness of the endometrium or inadequate hormonal status, reasons that may contribute to reduced implantation of embryos.

Embryos may be cryopreserved at all stages of their development, but are usually frozen on the third or fifth day of development. In practice, the only frozen embryos are the ones with good development and good quality in order to reduce the chances of damage or complete extinction of the embryos in the process of freeze / thaw.  The process of freezing embryos is carried out by means of a vitrification process that is rapidly absorbed. This process allows quick and safe embryo digestion at -196 ° C in liquid nitrogen. The frozen embryos are kept in special liquid nitrogen tanks which allow maintenance at a temperature of -196 °. Once the embryos are frozen they can be stored for an indefinite period under the same conditions, but according to the latest standards it is not recommended to keep the embryos longer than five years. The embryo defrosting method is also fast and easy and allows 90% survival of the embryo. The success rate is the same for the fresh transfer and transfer of frozen / dehydrated embryos.