+38977 443 443 / +3892 2734 350 contact@newborn.mk
  • English
  • македонски јазик


During your first visit, your IVF specialist will take a thorough medical and fertility history of you and your partner. If you have had any previous testing or treatment we will also want to carefully review it, so please send relevant medical records prior to your visit if possible.

Your IVF specialist will use the first visit to get to know you, counsel you regarding any issues at hand, discuss recommend next steps and to answer any and all questions you may have. We will often perform a physical exam, pelvic ultrasound and/or blood tests. Depending on the individual plan, you may also meet with one of our nurses during the initial visit. Finally, you will speak with one of our financial counselors who can explain insurance benefits and the cost of any potential recommended treatment.